Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Rome Arena

By Wik
Date: 06-07-2004




here is the rome arena (not finished :P)
it was gonna be called Wik's_Wome_Awena :P:D mua:)):)):))

Map Name : romearena
Author : -=AFL=- Tiz I = Wik :D:P;)
Email Address :
Website URL : clan site
(under construction at the mo {and taking a while})
Map description : Well duhh :))
i found out how to bend columns :D
n went mad mua:)):)):))
it was s'posed to be a testing ground :)) and
just went off on one :)) so i added some more rooms :D
for light n dark and a meeting room <parp :))> and another
barny room to link things up ;)

OK OK Barny = Fight

you know wot ta do :P .... bung dis ere pk3 file in ya base n play :P

This was the foundations for our Clan Home (a LOT of work has gone into this since :P)
There are some columns that rise up from the main arena (to activate there is a switch
above the blues statue use USE:D), use Force Push on the underground doors to gain access
to the Doggie Room (jump on the dog to get to the meeting room ;)) to leave the meeting room
(the teleport is level with the meeting room entry way but on the other side of the pillars
{so if you start with the statue with a flame at your back just go forwards untill you teleport})

1 Big Arena (for a really big barny)
2 corner rooms level with the arena pit)
2 force push doors to enter a ramp way to get below the arena
1 red 1 blue (not team active tho) from the ramp ways there are force push doors to gain entry
to the doggie room or go back on yourself up another ramp the corridor that leads off to
2 training rooms 2 red 2 blue
1 doggie room (that teleports you to the meeting room)
1 meeting room (shiny floor (bright light bright light <gizmo>))

RavenSoft for a top banana game :D
The guys at (top tutorial vids :D)
they got me started with this mappin millarkie :))
AFL Clan Members for their input :D you know who you are ;)
Master Yoset for buggin me to get this done MUA:)):)):))
ObiWayne for help with some other technical stuff (BLAGGED)
Ash/Ghostly Assassin for editing the loading screen (put on text)
The many mappin sites out there where i trawl through for help :D

things to do to the arena

1. :-? give it a sensable name
2. done more jawas (for the killing there of)
3. done add some individual Light Dark Training rooms under
more:-? the arena (dojo's)
4. take out the phsyics and rock walls around the columns
5. sort out the 2 saber npc (so he dont gyb on the wall)
6. change some textures (i like the rock but others dont {sod em})
7. done find and kill that b*$^*£d brush (brush plane no normal)
8. fix the textures in the corridors that lead to the arena pit
9. make the corners rooms more WOW
11. turn the corners into towers
12. done make some pillars raise from the arena to create a race track
:-? Ben Hurr eat yer heart out :P
13. done put in the council room and connect it via a teleporter somewhere
have it above the main arena
14. done put in another bot in the other corner room <supprise some
bugger :D :-?a shadowtrooper:D:-?>
15. BOT MAPPIN :(( <if i knew how :))>
16 put a rail around the riasing columns <to prevent short cuts in races :))>
17 sort the texturing and ramps in the red n blue bits
18 put some sounds in for the doors :))
19 :(|) wants Evil Keneival ramps :)) odd fellow :))
0. .......

Technical gumpf

New Sounds/Music : YES (the tune is The Hitchhickers Guide To The Galaxy theame)
New Skins : NO
New Objects : NO
New Textures : YES (i pinched some of Yoset's n made one blue :P)

Build time (I DONT KNOW :)) seems like forever :)) but
time what is time (the mappers conundrum :D))
<its forever getting updated :P>

748 total world brushes
398 detail brushes
1251 patches
496 boxbevels
12 edgebevels
255 entities
2946 planes
0 areaportals
Size: -1600, -2120, -3968 to 1984, 2760, -768

59379 vertexes illuminated
11663 lights plane culled
57953 lights envelope culled
0 lights bounds culled
340137 lights cluster culled
--- StoreSurfaceLightmaps ---
432291 luxels used
557056 luxels stored (77.60 percent efficiency)
796 identical surface lightmaps, using 192537 luxels
0 vertex forced surfaces
0 vertex approximated surfaces
34 BSP lightmaps
34 total lightmaps
178 unique lightmap/shader combinations